The 'Stone of Vision', this beautiful stone is able to open the third eye and greatly increase the second sight abilities.
Apophyllite can help one to see clearly using second sight as well as helping to strengthen and sharpen the physical vision, helping to combat eye weaknesses and eye strain.
This stone also helps bring a clarity of thought, increase focus, sharpen thinking and also enhance and clarify the energies of many other stones within the crystal & mineral kingdom.
A stone that works very well with the third eye energy centre and also has a very strong connection to be used by sea travellers in order to give sharper inner and outer vision to mother natures ways.
Apophyllite can be used to finely tune an area or centre of energy, and is especially beneficial to the channeller because of this.
Stilbite stimulates the heart chakra and radiates from an energy of love and openness.
It will help you reach the state of no mind, which will be particularly helpful in meditation.
It will also help you reach the astral state when you meditate, and it will guide your flight above the world!
It will strip away your layers of protection and allow you to be yourself. It will let you fly free and chase after your true happiness!
Stilbite is also a powerful manifestation stone. When you connect with the energy of this stone, you will be able to turn your dreams to reality.